I'm committing a new package for Fedora Project. procbench - Multiplatform information tool and CPU benchmark for x86 procs $ procbench...
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Este é um erro comum quando tenta-se montar um filesystem exportado por um servidor Linux no AIX root@serveraix />mount...
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Bug #455223 reported by Gregoire Barbier e Milão Slanar (Fedora 8 and 9) Bug #455375 reported by Ulrik Mikaelsson (EL 4 and EL 5) My...
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Checking AIX version, ML and service pack # oslevel -s Checking LPP (packages) # lppchk -v -m3 Checking ML and filesets found # instfix...
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0509-130 Symbol resolution failed for /usr/lib/libc.a[aio_64.o] This error occurs because the Asynchronous I/O are not available. #...
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Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows. Official website: http://www.cygwin.com Looking for Cygwin ISO I find this script...
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Reconhecendo devices (serve para reconhecer novos discos) # cfgmgr -v Listar discos # lspv Listar LUNs e caminhos no DS4000 (detalhes) #...
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Reconhecendo devices (serve para reconhecer novos discos) # cfgmgr -v Listar vpaths # lsvpcfg Listar status dos adapters de fibra (a.k.a...
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1. Listando efix instalados `# /usr/sbin/emgr -P PACKAGE INSTALLER LABEL ========== bos.rte.odm installp IY97632_05 bos.rte.cron...
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Ajude a sustentar a Wikipédia e outros projetos, sem colocar a mão no bolso, e concorra a um Eee PC! …e também a pen drives, card...
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