Articles by Kairo

Resolução parcial da incompatibilidade / problema entre Motorola Q11 e Roteadores D-Link DI-524.

O problema Após adquirir um smartphone Motorola modelo Q11 tive problemas de conectividade com meu roteador wireless do fabricante...

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Recovering VGDA on LVM1 (restore metadata to disk) Linux

vgscan output this error ERROR "vg_read_with_pv_and_lv(): current PV" can't get data of volume group "vgappl01" from physicalvolume(s)...

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Installing IBM lin_tape and lin_taped on Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)

Installing IBM lin_tape on Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Steps for install lin_tape and lin_taped 1. Download the lin_tape source and...

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Extracting files from rpm

First you need rpm2cpio Use # mkdir /tmp/package # cp package.rpm /tmp/package # cd /tmp/package # rpm2cpio package.rpm | cpio -idv...

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Checking the install date of Linux Operation System (Red Hat) - Not official, but usefull

English (português mais abaixo) The package basesystem contains no files # rpm -ql basesystem (contains no files) But your discription...

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AIX Tip: Volume Group (VG) data redistribution in the disks - Strip

For Volume Group data redistribution in the disks (strip) uses reorgvg command. # reorgvg myvg This command need a few times. Rum in...

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ServeRAID MR 10 k SAS/SATA Controller - Linux Installation Client and Basic Commands

This post show installation of MegaCli (ServeRAID MR 10 k SAS/SATA Controller client) and two basic commands 1. Installation Get...

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Tip: Checking AIX disk reservations from storage

For check disk reservation lquerypr -Vvh /dev/diskNN Sample: With reservation lquerypr -Vvh /dev/vpath78 open device /dev/vpath78...

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Dica sobre pvmove no Linux - Insufficient suitable contiguous allocatable extents for logical volume pvmove0

A algum tempo atrás fiz um post aqui sobre como realizar o pvmove. Existe uma dúvida comum que ocorre quando tenta-se fazer o pvmove de...

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Linux and AIX Users Locked (Usuários com status lock)

Como identificar usuários com senhas em status lock LINUX Verificando status do usuário # passwd -S kairo kairo LK 2008-10-31 0 99999 7...

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