Upgrading HMC to V8R8.2.0. Using network update

Posted by Kairo Araujo on Fri 06 March 2015

In my case I'm using HMC version V7R7.9.0.1 to go to V8R8.2.0, if you not using that version see the post Upgrading HMC to V7R7.9.0.1 Using network update.

[Sorry my bad english]

0. Check the firmware x HMC version matrix.


1. Download the HMC packages

List of files

-rw-r--r--    1 17037    209       882348032 Nov 18 12:05 base.img

-rw-r--r--    1 17037    209      2382655488 Nov 18 12:54 disk1.img

-rw-r--r--    1 17037    209              55 Nov 18 12:52 hmcnetworkfiles.sum

-rw-r--r--    1 17037    209         4035696 Nov 18 12:52 img2a

-rw-r--r--    1 17037    209        38434428 Nov 18 12:52 img3a


or, directly using the FTP

# ftp

ftp> open ftp.software.ibm.com

Name: anonymous

Password: ftp

ftp> cd software/server/hmc/network/v8820

ftp> prompt

ftp> bin  

ftp> mget * 

ftp> bye  

Save the files in local FTP local

3. Login at HMC using SSH and run the commands (hscroot)

# saveupgdata -r disk

# getupgfiles -h ftpserver -u root --passwd xxxxx -d /tmp/v8820

# chhmc -c altdiskboot -s enable --mode upgrade

# hmcshutdown -r -t now

The upgrade time for my HMC was 30 minutes.


- http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=nas8N1020108

- http://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/set2/sas/f/netinstall/v8820network.html

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