Pré-requesite: You need a SUN Solaris installed on the hardware.
1. Go to and make login
2. Access: SunSystem Handbook > Select Category: Servers > (Servers) Select a Product: Sun Fire T2000
Direct link:
3. Download the latest Flash PROM Patch (Version used on this note at 11/03/2010: 6.7.8)
4. Create dir /tmp/images
mkdir -p /tmp/images
5. Save the file on /tmp/images
6. Unzip the file
# unzip Archive: creating: 139434-05/
inflating: 139434-05/sysfw670_README_docs.css
inflating: 139434-05/Sun_System_Firmware-6_7_6-SPARC_Enterprise_T2000.bin
inflating: 139434-05/Sun_System_Firmware-6_7_6-Sun_Fire_T2000.bin
inflating: 139434-05/sysfwdownload.README
inflating: 139434-05/Sun_System_Firmware-6_7-download_SLA_and_Entitlement.txt
inflating: 139434-05/sysfw670_README_docs.html
inflating: 139434-05/sysfwdownload inflating: 139434-05/
inflating: 139434-05/README.139434-05 inflating: 139434-05/copyright
inflating: 139434-05/LEGAL_LICENSE.TXT
6. Use the sysfwdownload to download the firmware to the System Controller
# ./sysfwdownload Sun_System_Firmware-6_7_6-Sun_Fire_T2000.bin
.......... (9%).......... (18%).......... (27%)..........
(37%).......... (46%).......... (55%).......... (64%)..........
(74%).......... (83%).......... (92%)......... (100%)
Download completed successfully.
7. Shutdown the Solaris OS
# shutdown -i0
8. Go to sc (use the #.)
9. Verify the actual version
sc> showhost Sun-Fire-T2000 System Firmware 6.6.4 2008/07/01 01:59
Host flash versions: OBP 4.28.9 2008/06/30 21:26
Hypervisor 1.6.4 2008/06/06 04:57 POST 4.28.6 2008/05/23 12:30 sc>
showsc -v version Advanced Lights Out Manager CMT v1.6.4 SC Firmware
version: CMT 1.6.4 SC Bootmon version: CMT 1.6.4 VBSC 1.6.4.a VBSC
firmware built Jun 6 2008, 05:01:03 SC Bootmon Build Release: 01 SC
bootmon checksum: 4D3BA6C7 SC Bootmon built Jun 6 2008, 05:11:28 SC
Build Release: 01 SC firmware checksum: 91C164C1 SC firmware built
Jun 6 2008, 16:52:21 SC firmware flashupdate SAT AUG 30 01:53:14 2008
SC System Memory Size: 32 MB SC NVRAM Version = 14 SC hardware type: 4
FPGA Version:
10. Make the flash update
sc> flashupdate -s SC Alert: System poweron is disabled.
Update complete. Reset device to use new software.
SC Alert: SC firmware was reloaded
11. Reboot the sc
sc> resetsc Are you sure you want to reset the SC [y/n]? s Are you
sure you want to reset the SC [y/n]? y User Requested SC Shutdown
12. Now, check the actual version
sc> showsc Sun-Fire-T2000 System Firmware 6.7.6 2009/10/29 16:06 Host
flash versions: OBP 4.30.4 2009/08/19 07:24
Hypervisor 1.7.3.a 2009/10/29 15:50 POST 4.30.4 2009/08/19 07:47 sc>
showsc -v version Advanced Lights Out Manager CMT v1.7.6 SC Firmware
version: CMT 1.7.6 SC Bootmon version: CMT 1.7.6 VBSC 1.7.3.a VBSC
firmware built Oct 29 2009, 15:55:58 SC Bootmon Build Release: 01 SC
bootmon checksum: B262D0C1 SC Bootmon built Oct 29 2009, 16:05:00 SC
Build Release: 01 SC firmware checksum: 8BCE9F20 SC firmware built
Oct 29 2009, 16:05:12 SC firmware flashupdate FRI FEB 26 20:18:50 2010
SC System Memory Size: 32 MB SC NVRAM Version = 14 SC hardware type: 4
FPGA Version:
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